In November 2024, AHPA submitted a response to the NSW Government consultation on the NSW Drug Summit.
The Australian Health Promotion Association seeks to influence a broad range of public policies as they impact on population health.
On behalf of members, the AHPA Board and Branch Committees regularly provide formal and informal submissions, letters and statements on a variety of national and state/territory issues of relevance to our role in promoting good health, preventing illness and redressing inequities.
Our advice is underpinned by the evidence for effective health promotion policies and strategies and the needs of our members and all those working in the field of health promotion.
Often, AHPA collaborates with our partners on joint submissions.
Archived submissions are available on request.
In November 2024, AHPA submitted a response to the NSW Government consultation on the NSW Drug Summit.
In November 2024, AHPA signed a joint letter to the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) Board, led by Alcohol Change Australia.
On 30 October 2024, AHPA NSW-ACT Branch President Dr Josephine Chau and Dr Dimitri Batras AHPA Board Director participated in an Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) consultation about the use of health data.
In November 2024, AHPA signed onto the Community Sector Statement on 2035 Climate Change Pollution Reduction Target, led by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS).
AHPA is proud to be supporting Food for Health Alliance’s open letter to Australia’s Health Minister, urging for action to protect Australian children from the powerful influence of junk food advertising.
In October 2024, AHPA provided a written response to the Australian Government consultation on draft 24-hour movement recommendations for adults and older Australians.
On 21 October 2024, AHPA joined community representatives, researchers and clinicians at a roundtable on Falls Prevention in Older People.
The Queensland Branch of the Australian Health Promotion Association contributed to and has co-signed the Vote for Public Health campaign led by the Queensland branch of the Public Health Association of Australia. We encourage you to review and circulate these election materials!
On 3 September 2024, AHPA signed a Joint Statement in support of the inclusion of three new topics on gender, variations of sex characteristics, and sexual orientation variables into the 2026 Census.
In August 2024, the AHPA Victoria-Tasmania Branch provided a submission to the Victorian Government consultation Developing a new plan for Victoria.
AHPA is proud to announce its support for the Kick Big Soda Out of Sport campaign. This campaign urges the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to terminate Coca-Cola's sponsorship and to refrain from accepting future sponsorships from corporations that harm public health and the environment.
The Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport has presented its report for the inquiry into diabetes entitled The State of Diabetes Mellitus in Australia in 2024 including mention of evidence provided to the Inquiry by AHPA Directors Dr Dimitri Batras and Associate Professor Freya MacMillan.
In July 2024, AHPA SA Branch made a submission to a South Australian Government consultation on a draft Preventive Health SA Bill.
This position paper reaffirms commitment by AHPA to planetary health and the critical role of health promotion in addressing climate change impacts.
In June 2024, AHPA SA Branch made a submission to a South Australian Government consultation on unhealthy food and drink advertising on South Australian buses, trams and trains.
In March 2024, AHPA responded to an Australian Government consultation on a feasibility study on options to limit unhealthy food marketing to children.
In May 2024, AHPA signed onto a letter led by Healthy Futures urging the climate change minister to better regulate methane emissions from coal and gas production.
In May 2024, AHPA joined the health sector in calling on the government to fund the National Health and Climate Strategy in the 2024/25 Budget.
AHPA joins the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) in calling for governments to take fair, fast, and inclusive climate change action.
AHPA is a signatory on a letter to Australian and New Zealand Food Ministers expressing support for mandating the display of the Health Star Rating (HSR) system.
On 21 May 2024, AHPA QLD President Kym Strachan, QLD Committee member Susan Breckenridge, and AHPA Executive Officer Rebecca Zosel attended a consultation with KPMG to inform development of a Public Health Workforce Strategy for Queensland, following on from the 2023 Queensland Public Health Review conducted by Dr Tarun Weeramanthri.
AHPA reaffirms our broad and enduring support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and is proud to sign the Allies for Uluru Statement of Commitment 2024.
AHPA recently submitted its feedback on the refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions. This important document outlines the need for enhanced health promotion and illness prevention measures to address the complex determinants of health.
AHPA joins Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) and other health experts in calling on all politicians to Support the Vaping Reform Bill.
In December 2023, AHPA signed onto a shared statement calling for Government action on alcohol product marketing in Australia.
In March 2024, the AHPA NSW/ACT Branch collaborated with The Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) to present a joint submission on the NSW Government ClubGRANTS Scheme Review and provide recommendations to address serious issues with the current Scheme design.
On 26 March 2024, health professionals delivered a Save Lives with Solar letter to Parliament House. The letter called on the Federal government to commit to funding for rooftop solar on social housing to protect vulnerable people from the health impacts of extreme heat and climate change.
On 26 March 2024, the Wellbeing and Prevention Coalition in Mental Health launched a Policy Brief titled School-based mental health and wellbeing programs. What's working, what's not?
On the 16th February 2024, AHPA Directors Dr. Dimitri Batras and Associate Professor Freya MacMillan presented evidence at the Public Hearing for the Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes in Australia.
On the 25th January 2024, AHPA provided a written submission to the Federal Treasury suggesting areas of focus for the forthcoming budget to support a healthy, equitable Australia. These are consistent with our asks as part of pre-budget submission in 2023 and areas outlined as part of our Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Policy .
During the 6th November and 15th December 2023, the Commonwealth Government welcomed submissions on the COVID-19 response in aim of improving Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics.
In 2023 following extensive consultation and collaboration across the sector in 2022, SA Health developed the draft SA Cancer Plan 2023-2028 and released it for public consultation. Feedback was invited by 1 October 2023.
In October 2023, the WA Government welcomed public feedback on proposed changes relating to the WA Firearms Act Reform.
The Department of Social Services recently welcomed consultation submissions on the development of the National Housing and Homelessness Plan, a 10-year strategic plan to inform housing and homelessness policy in Australia.
In July 2023, the Australian Government welcomed consultation submissions on the draft National Consumer Engagement Strategy for Health and Wellbeing.
In September 2023, the Wellbeing and Prevention Coalition in Mental Health launched a Policy Brief titled Exploring the role of community coalitions in the prevention of mental health conditions.
AHPA joins more than 125 leading health and medical organisations as signatories of an Open Letter to the Australian Public: A Voice to Parliament will improve health outcomes.
On 24 September 2023, the AHPA Victoria/Tasmania Branch joined over 50 leading health organisations in Victoria to declare their support for a Yes vote in the Voice Referendum.
AHPA joined 26 organisations and 100+ health professionals in delivering a gas free homes letter to the NSW Government on 12 September 2023.
In July 2023, the Australian Government released Measuring What Matters - Australia’s First Wellbeing Framework. AHPA has undertaken a spotlight review of the framework, in line with our recommendations.
On 22 June 2023 the Senate referred an inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report, with an interim report to be presented by 23 September 2023 to aid in the deliberations of the National Cabinet on renters' rights, and a final report to be presented by 28 November 2023.
In May 2023, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport adopted an inquiry into Diabetes, following a referral from the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP.
As part of the Association's efforts to build advocacy capacity nationally, AHPA Executive Officer Rebecca Zosel ran a workshop for AHPA's leadership team on 17 August 2023 titled Undertaking Advocacy on behalf of the Association.
In May 2023, the ACT Government invited community feedback on the ACT Preventive Health Action Plan 2023-2025. Community consultation was open from 8 May to 28 July 2023; see the consultation website here.
In June 2023, a coalition of leading public health organisations, including AHPA, wrote to the Hon. Roger Cook MLA as the recently appointed Premier of Western Australia regarding investment in preventive health.
In January 2023, the Minister for Communications announced that the Australian Government would introduce new laws to provide the independent regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), with new powers to combat online misinformation and disinformation.
Congratulations to AHPA NSW/ACT Branch Committee member Gabi Martinez, Health Promotion Officer at the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) Alcohol and Other Drugs Service, who has been awarded a fully-funded place in the University of Canberra's Public Health Advocacy Course, as part of AHPA's efforts to build advocacy capacity nationally and invest in Branch Committee members.
The Australian Government's National Health, Sustainability and Climate Unit is developing Australia's first National Health and Climate Strategy to ensure the nation's health system can meet the needs of Australians in the face of a changing climate.
On 26 July, AHPA President Dr Gemma Crawford joined a roundtable discussion in Sydney hosted by the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and Saltire Capital Partners on Advancing prevention in Australia. The roundtable explored actions needed to deliver a prevention system, as outlined in the National Preventive Health Strategy 2021-2030.
On Tuesday 18th July, AHPA Board Director Melinda Edmunds and AHPA Executive Officer Rebecca Zosel met with the Hon. Mark Butler MP, Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care and his Deputy Chief of Staff, Clare Firth.