On 16 May 2023, AHPA participated in a roundtable hosted by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) as part of the second consultation period for Treasury’s proposed Measuring What Matters – national framework on wellbeing.
The roundtable focused on developing wellbeing indicators for the framework. Within the context of ARACY’s focus on the wellbeing of children and young people (aged 0 -24), AHPA made suggestions on including indicators relating to social determinants of health and sustainable funding for health promotion and illness prevention (e.g. commit at least 5% of the total health budget). The Australian Government plans to launch the national framework as part of the Measuring What Matters Statement later this year.
Thank you ARACY for the opportunity to contribute and AHPA Board Director David Duncan for representing AHPA at the ARACY roundtable.
Read AHPA's submission to Treasury on Measuring What Matters - January 2023.