AHPA values its formal and informal partnerships with a range of organisations spanning different sectors. Our members also engage with a variety of government and community organisations through their health promotion work.
Our partnerships allow us to work together to maximise our efforts to promote health, prevent illness and address the determinants of health.
AHPA has affiliations with the following organisations:
- Alcohol Change Australia
- Allies for Uluru Coalition
- Australasian Epidemiological Association
- Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine
- Australian Council of Social Service
- Australian Gun Safety Alliance
- Australian Health and Aged Care
- Australian Health Care Reform Alliance (AHCRA)
- Australian Health Policy Collaboration (AHPC)
- Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA)
- Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia (CAPHIA)
- Croakey
- headspace
- Institute of Community Directors (ICDA)
- International Union of Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)
- Lowitja Institute Health System Coalition
- Movember Men's Health Education Project Reference Group
- #OurDemocracy campaign
- People's Health Movement
- Preventive Health SA (formerly Wellbeing SA)
- Public Health Association of Australia
- Social Determinants of Health Alliance (SDOHA)
- The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE)
- Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth)
- Wellbeing and Prevention Coalition in Mental Health
- Women in Public Health