Leadership Group
The Leadership Group is responsible for ensuring strong governance of the committee, strategic and operational direction and support to the whole committee. The Leadership Group is responsible for liaising with National and key stakeholders and for overseeing the delivery of the AHPA (WA Branch) and Healthway Health Promotion Scholarships program.
Finance Audit and Risk Management (FARM) Subcommittee
The role and function of the Finance Audit and Risk Management (FARM) Subcommittee is to maintain the Branch’s finances and mitigate identified risks. FARM is also responsible for overseeing the development of the WA Branch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
Advocacy and Partnerships Subcommittee
The main role of the Advocacy and Partnerships Subcommittee is to:
- Contribute to raising awareness of the WA Branch as a recognised organisation who can provide expertise, information, and resources on health promotion policy and programs.
- Comment on proposed policy, legislation, and programs (and other relevant documents) to advocate for sound health promotion practice in WA.
- Develop and maintain partnerships to increase the profile of the WA Branch, in collaboration with the Leadership Group.
Member Services Subcommittee
The Member Services Subcommittee provides an avenue for communicating and engaging with members. The main role and responsibilities of the Subcommittee is to:
- Raise awareness of the WA Branch and maintain/ increase membership;
- Build the profile of the WA Branch; and
- Communicate regularly with WA Branch members.
Capacity Building and Excellence Subcommittee
The main role of the Capacity Building and Excellence Subcommittee is to:
- Build capacity and excellence in the health promotion workforce, through:
- Providing and sourcing professional and leadership development opportunities for all members, from new graduates to more experienced practitioners, and the broader health promotion community in WA.
- The mentoring program, which provides an opportunity for experienced health promotion practitioners to support early career practitioners.
Student Subcommittee and ex-officios
The main role of the Student Subcommittee is to raise the profile of the AHPA (WA Branch) at all represented universities. The Student Subcommittee provides future health promotion graduates with the opportunity to network and support the work of the Branch.
Ex-officios help to support the Committee to undertake activities throughout the year, without having voting rights. The ex-officios are allocated a Sub-Committee to work with.
Student Representatives
Catrina Wold (Student Coordinator), Michelle Ng, Paul Knight, Synthia Kelder, Elsa Mangan, Farhana Nasrin, Scarlett Duncan, Natasha Abbott, Amira Hosny
Lydia Cook, Lisa Rooke, Stacey-Mae Prokopyszyn, Kahlia McCausland, Denise Corlett, Amber Giblett, Belinda Grandoni, Ella Brook, Darci Miller, Indah Mohamed-Isa, Ellen Hart, Bethany Martin, Tonia Ledwith, Rebecca Collier.
Strategic Advisory Group (SAG)
The Branch Committee is supported by a Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), which is made up of senior health promotion practitioners from the variety of sectors who employ health promotion practitioners in WA. The SAG provides high level strategic support and advice to the Committee on key operational and strategic issues. The SAG assists the Branch to build a highly functional Committee, including the provision of mentoring and support to nurture future leaders.
Strategic Advisory Group
Ann Barblett, Tracy Benson-Cooper, Assoc Prof Juli Coffin, Jude Comfort, Gemma Crawford, Dr Jonathan Hallett, Tia Lockwood, Trevor Shilton, Dr Melissa Stoneham, Assoc Prof Lisa Wood, Libby Jardine, Ruth Wernham.