Weekly Jobs and Events List
These lists provide members with a source of up-to-date information including upcoming education and social events, courses, weekly job opportunities and volunteer positions in the area of health promotion and public health.
See events and careers tabs for more information.
Mentoring Program
The mentoring program has been operating for several years, is exclusive to WA members and has received considerable commendation. Mentoring partnerships are carefully matched to meet the specific needs of each participant.
See mentoring tab for more information on how to be part of this great program.
Scholarships Program
The AHPA (WA Branch) in conjunction with Healthway offers six month paid scholarships to:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people interested in a career in health promotion
- Undergraduates or postgraduates with a health promotion qualification from a WA University to work in the field of health promotion.
Health agencies and organisations are encouraged to consider the prospect of placing a graduate and/or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person in a health promotion position that is fully funded by the scholarship.
Visit the scholarships website for more information.
Professional Development Workshops
Each year a range of professional and skill development workshops and social networking events are organised for members.
News from the West Newsletter and E-news
The AHPA WA Branch newsletter News from the West and monthly E-news distribution provides members with a valuable array of information and insight into what’s happening in health promotion
See news tab for more information on News from the West and make sure you tick to receive emails from WA when you sign up as a member to keep up to date with our E-news.
Student Careers Information Night
An annual Student Careers Information Night provides past health promotion graduates with an opportunity to share their career journeys and illustrate the diversity of career pathways available to graduates. It provides students with the opportunity to interact and speak to a range of government and non-government organisations in the health promotion area.
"Advocacy is a catch-all word for a set of skills used to create a shift in public opinion and mobilise the necessary resources and forces to support an issue, policy, constituency" (Wallack et al 1993, p27).
The WA Branch actively seeks to advocate on behalf of its members on a range of health and related social issues at a local or state level. The Association publishes letters, writes submissions, and/or contacts politicians regarding health issues such as road trauma, men's health, domestic violence, public transport and smoke free venues (just to name a few).
See working groups tab for more information