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Introduction to Behavioural Influence

1 Mar 2023, 9:00am-12:30pm

The half-day session will be based on The BCC’s Behavioural Framework, which is underpinned by leading theoretical and applied models of psychology, behavioural sciences and behavioural economics.

Participants will receive a methodical approach to behaviour change, including an overview of the potential motivations, barriers and facilitators of behaviour change, arranged into eight domains, and brainstorm how to apply them to deconstruct behavioural influence and solve behavioural problems. The session will also provide an overview of the levers mix for intervention design.

This Introductory course is being offered on two date options - 1 March 2023 and 5 April 2023.

For more information or to register, please click here.

To gain a deeper understanding of what you have learnt, participants are encouraged to enrol in a second half-day workshop - Masterclass in Behavioural Influence - where you will focus on the hands-on application of behavioural influence to real world problems.  The Masterclass is being held on 3 May 2023.

Please note: The Introduction to Behavioural Influence course is a pre-requisite to attending the Masterclass in Behavioural Influence. If you book both the Introduction and the Masterclass at the same time, please enter promotional code Save50BI to save $50 off the Masterclass course fee. Book the Masterclass now by clicking here.