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Now You Have a Twitter Account, What Do You Do With It?

31 Aug 2020, 6:30pm-7:30pm

AHPA 30year logoYou've been told to get a Twitter account - but what on earth do you do with it? How do you avoid getting professionally cancelled? How do you make it worth the effort? 

Join AHPA WA Branch President, Carl Heslop for an hour of intel on how to make Twitter a useful professional tool.

Carl has been promoting professionals to give Twitter a bit of a go since 2014 (read his Croakey article here) and is going to take time to explain the best ways to go about it, what to do and why not every Tweet requires a #hashtag. Read 

This Webinar is part of a new series of events for our members that the AHPA WA Branch is launching in 2020. With a range of events targetting different demographics within our membership, we hope to provide value and learning opportunities to all members.

This webinar is targetted to Health Promotion and Public Health students and earlier career members.

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