You are invited to join the AHPA Vic/Tas Branch Annual General Meeting. You will have the opportunity to nominate as a committee member, hear from multiple guest speakers and celebrate the branch’s previous year’s accomplishments.
Where: Online – registration is required. Click the Register button at the bottom on the page.
When: Tuesday, 12 March 2024, 5.30pm till 7pm, AEDT.
Kate May
Kate will be covering her work with lived experience and health promotion such as recent involvement in developing policy for Women's Health Alliance and exploring practical tools relevant to health promotion.
Kate May is a health promotion and communications consultant based in Melbourne. She works with public, private, and not-for-profit organisations to support health, communications, engagement and research projects, including as an Associate at Common Cause Australia. Kate is also a strong advocate for women’s health, using her understanding of public health and lived experience of chronic illness to drive change.
Kate Fiske
A Wodonga based social worker with experience in mental health and recovery across adult programs and early intervention in mental health with children and families. Kate is also the project manager for Listening to Voices Theatre.
Listening to Voices Theatre is a unique and highly commended grassroots community development project based in Wodonga Victoria. The Theatre Group powerfully intersects the authentic lived experience of people and the language of the arts to impact on stigma and drive compassionate approaches to human distress. . Listening to Voices Theatre have been recipients of the Victorian Minster for Health Awards for supporting diversity. The performance and online resources they have developed through sharing their own personal experiences have reached audiences in workplaces, community and education settings.
Dr Lucy Mercer-Mapstone
Lucy is the executive director of Collective Voices Consulting. Lucy has a long history of research, teaching, facilitation, and advocacy around lived experiences driving social, cultural, organisational, and legislative reform for a more inclusive society. Lucy has deep expertise in engagement, lived experience advocacy, human research, public speaking, facilitation, delivering professional development, and in equity diversity, and inclusion. Lucy integrates first-hand navigation of systems of privilege and oppression into engagements, making them authentic, inclusive, and accessible.
The topic that Lucy will be speaking on "How we support lived experience advocates to bring their whole selves to their engagements and advocacy".
We hope to see you there!