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AHPA WA Branch 2023 AGM and Awards Night

23 Jun 2023, 5:30pm-7:30pm

The Australian Health Promotion Association WA Branch invites you to the 2023 AHPA WA Branch General Meeting and Awards Night. 

Celebrating 30 years of the Health Promotion Scholarships

30 years of the Health Promotion Scholarships 

The scholarships have been generously funded by Healthway and successfully coordinated by AHPA (WA Branch) since 1993. Over 75  graduates and 40 Aboriginal people have since completed placements in a vast range of health related organisations in the government and not-for-profit sector. The AHPA WA Branch would like to sincerely thank all the organisations, mentors and supervisors who have contributed to the success of this program. 

We will hear from a panel of previous scholarship recipients about their experiences with the program and their career journeys since then. Please join us in celebrating the successes and opportunities made possible for the scholarship recipients through AHPA’s partnership with Healthway.

In Memoriam of Dr Ray James

This event honours the late Dr Ray James, an admired thinker and innovator in health promotion. Following Ray’s death in 2008, the AHPA (WA Branch) endorsed the establishment of a memorial lecture to be held each year at the Annual General Meeting. With this year’s lecture made by the panel of scholarship recipients, the Branch hopes to stimulate innovation in health promotion and promote Ray’s passion and enthusiasm to health professionals working in the field. 


Friday 23rd June 2023, 5.30pm-7.30pm 

Please arrive at 5:30pm to enjoy light refreshments and casual networking. The event will officially commence at 6.00PM

This is an IN PERSON event, venue is TBA. Please do not attend if you are unwell.

Please RSVP your attendance by 5.00pm Friday the 16th of June 2023: click here to register

If you know someone who is deserving of an award for their work in health promotion (either early career or experienced), please click here for an Awards nomination form. Awards will be presented at the AGM and Awards Night.

Please email completed Award nomination forms to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.