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Workshop: Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation 2016

10 Mar 2016, 9:00am-4:30pm

Workshop: Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation 2016

An AES and IPAA WA partnership event

Date and time: Thursday 10 March 2016, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Register online by: 3 March 2016 AES Members
Fees: $440.00 AES members only fee (Non-members register at:
Facilitator: Carina Calzoni

Many people fear evaluation because they think it’s all about being judged. But when done well evaluation provides useful feedback to aid in decision-making and improves projects, ultimately leading to positive social change. This 1 day workshop introduces participants to basic concepts related to evaluating projects and programs. The workshop is designed to de-mystify the evaluation process exploring such topics as: fit for purpose evaluation processes and approaches; interpreting data and producing findings; engaging with stakeholders; the nature and use of evaluation; ethics in evaluation; and key issues and trends in the field of evaluation. Participants will be equipped to develop the right evaluation strategy to suit an organisations program needs, within budget and to satisfy information and reporting needs.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course attendees should be able to:

Overview of evaluation and its approaches
Evaluation planning
Introduction to monitoring
Interpreting the findings
Introduction to presenting and reporting on the findings
Ethical evaluation practice